"Going with the flow" does not come natural to our western culture. Honoring the seasons as a source of how to live life is a deeply rooted part of eastern cultures. Autumn is about letting go
just as the trees begin to let go of their leaves.
A time to ready ourselves for resting thru the
cold months.
The Five Element Theory of Chinese Medicine
reveals how mother nature (the macrocosm)
shows up in our daily lives (the microcosm).
Each season is represented by a pair of organ
system. In autumn/fall it is the lungs and large
intestine. They are both about exchange and elimination. The lg int. is well understood as the elimination of waste (a letting go). The lungs
are about the exchange of chi/prana thru our breathe. If you listen to how people's voices sound you may also understand what may be out of balance in their body. Here are some of the sounds that may reveal the imbalance needing attention. Sighing or a weepy sound The
taste they may be craving might be spicy. It make sense for smokers or people with breathing issues as it dilates airways to bring in more air.
This is a small taste of the multi-layered facets of this theory. I will try to do a blog for the season as they come up.
Nature is food for the soul with its cycle of growth, abundance and beauty, decay and compost.
And then, new life. Watching the cycles and feeling and understanding the changes will help
us to reap the rewards it offers. Namaste Ginger the picture is called pink autumn girl by Nuttpukki.
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