If you place two living heart cells from different people in a
Petrie dish, they will in time find and maintain a third and
common beat - Molly Vass
Wishing that everyday was Valentine's Day; the day of expressing
our Love for another I wanted to share (paraphrase) some thoughts on our connection to every sentient being from one of my most favorite writers- Mark Nepo from The Book of Awakening.
This biological fact holds the secret of all relationship. It is cellular proof that beneath any resistance we might pose and beyond all attempts that
fall short , there is in the very nature of life itself some essential joining force. This inborn ability to find and enliven a common beat is the miracle of love. This force is what makes compassion possible, even probable. If two cells can find the common pulse beneath everything, how much more can full hearts feel when we stop fighting how our hearts want to join. It is then that we find both the strength and peace that come from our hearts beating in unison with all that is alive.