Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just to let you know I will be presenting the following class at two locations:

Sat. Oct 29th @3445 Preservation Dr. Fairfax,VA (off Pickett Rd.)-10am-noon Cost. $35

Sat. Nov. 5th @ 55 Lower Ct. Strasburg, VA 10am-noon Cost. $35


Look around you... we are immersed in color .... nature, our clothes, our homes and even on line. We are told to eat deeply colored foods for their rich nutrient value.

Listen...sound permeates our daily lives. Often it is harsh and jarring; for many they are
"plugged in" all day.

In this class we will explore these two profound facets of life for their capacity to heal and
bring our body and soul into balance. The harmony and beauty of these two vibarations will
be explored using:

..... colored lights, color swatches, and color breathing meditation
into the chakras.

..... the sound of tibetian bowls and bells, the vibration of Acutonics
tuning forks and chanting The Biji Mantras.

to register send a check to Ginger Joy, 55 Lower Ct. Strasburg, VA 22657

For information on my work/practice go to www.thewellwoman.net
or e-mail me at gj42@comcast.net