The Energy of Winter
Making friends with Silence and the Art of
Life slows down during the winter. We tend to stay close to home.
The Earth invites us to rest in silence and solitude. She encourages us to draw
from the well of collective wisdom during this season or retreat.
The three months of winter are called the period of closing and storing.
Water freezes and the Earth cracks open. We are wise to retire early and
rise later in the morning, waiting for the rising of the sun.The
Chinese medical model sees Winter as a time to go deeply into one ‘s
self, meditating, finding the silence within.It is being in harmony
with the season of gestation and regeneration.
Water is the element of winter and its vast reservoir of creativity, love
and compassion holds all possibilities. In this reservoir the truth resides.
The creative source provides all life, nourishment, rest and restoration.
Listening deeply in this place, the silence soothes and restores us, allowing
the truth of our oneness with all sentient beings to open our hearts. It
is listening that dissolves the obstacles that keep us separate from one
another and the whole of all life.
It is by listening that we become like a womb, fully receptive to the unknown
willing to wait, to allow the gestation and manifestation of the creative truth.
I give you my listening and you speak your life... and together we bring
forth the world in peace.