Sunday, September 14, 2014

5 Simple things to heal the heart of community

This comes from writings of Parker Palmer a Quaker Elder and the founder of the Center for Courage and Renewal

We the People called American democracy into being. We can call it back to wellbeing only as we heal our own distrust, divisions and fear, and restore our civic community. That's a big task. But all of us can contribute to it by doing simple things in our everyday lives. Here are some examples. If none of them work for you, imagine something that will. Remember that most big problems are solved with a million small actions.
  1. Go downtown, or to the mall, turn off your cell phone or your iPod, and don't let the crowd blur out. Instead, do some focused people-watching. Notice the faces, body language, and behavior of the people passing by. Imagine their life stories. Practice empathy. Enjoy diversity. Remember we are all in this together.
  2. If you use public transportation, or frequent a coffee shop or cafe, start a conversation with a stranger that might move from a comment on the weather to a question about something in the news. But instead of agreeing or disagreeing with what he or she tells you, ask questions that draw him or her out. Play the role of "roving reporter" whose purpose is not to tell others what you think but to find out how they see the world. Most people want a sense that someone sees and hears them. Be that someone.
  3. If new folks move into your neighborhood, introduce yourself. Tell them you want your neighborhood to be a place where people watch out for each other. Give them your phone number, and invite them to call if there is something you might help with, like keeping an eye on their house while they are gone. A caring neighborhood is next-door democracy.
  4. If you know someone who holds political beliefs different from yours, tell them that you learn by listening, not arguing, and ask them about the experiences that led to their convictions. Ask questions that take them behind their opinions to the real-life stories about people and events that helped shape what they believe. Don't comment, just listen and learn. The more you know about another person's story, the harder it is to dislike or distrust them.
  5. If you hear something hateful being said about people of certain backgrounds or beliefs, don't get into a dog fight. Tell the speaker that you find what he or she said personally hurtful. Say that you value everyone's humanity and find it painful to live in a world where we tear each other down rather than build each other up. Tell them you want a world where we can all say to each other, "Welcome to the human race!"

Sunday, March 23, 2014


The concept of thin places comes from Celtic mythology. Peter Gomes, a Harvard theologian, writes: (photo by Sarah Blanton)
“There is in Celtic mythology the notion of 'thin places' in the universe where the visible and the invisible world come into their closest proximity. To seek such places is the vocation of the wise and the good — and for those that find them, the clearest communication between the temporal and eternal. Mountains and rivers are particularly favored as thin places marking invariably as they do, the horizontal and perpendicular frontiers. But perhaps the ultimate of these thin places in the human condition are the experiences people are likely to have as they encounter suffering, joy, and mystery.

Since nature is my touchstone for the sense of spirit and transformative beauty, I have experienced these places where the veil between myself and the non physical world of spirit is very thin. It is those places where your breathe is taken away and you know you are in the presence of something larger than yourself. One of those places was on the very distance isle of Iona in Scotland.

In the midst of all the upheaval around us I hope we can all at least close our eyes in meditation and take ourselves to these places imprinted on our memories.  Better yet, go to one of those places and let its gift of beauty
transform you in the moment.  Namaste  Ginger